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Peach and Thyme Shrub

Addition 15

Peach and Thyme Shrub


200 g Peaches, pitted and diced
200 g Caster sugar
150 ml Apple cider vinegar
10 sprigs Thyme


Fine sieve Sterilized glass jars with lid for storage


Wash, pit and roughly dice the peaches and place into a glass jar. Crush to extract the juices.
Mix in the sugar until the fruit is totally covered. Stir to evenly distribute the sugar.
Close the jar with the lid and allow to macerate in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
After macerating, add the vinegar and thyme, and stir, allowing to infuse for a further 24 hours.
Pass the syrup through a fine sieve into a sterilized jar, separating the liquid from the solids.
The shrub is now ready to use.
Keep refrigerated and enjoy within a week.